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AwardSpace review and user rating.

AwardSpace Review, AwardSpace is a free web hosting provider was providing free 250 MB web space with 5,000 MB traffic. PHP programming supported, AwardSpace is also provides POP3 email account, AwardSpace's not forced any advertisement to the user pages(Excellent!). Free web hosting uptime statistics report(Beta) is a new feature available for the active web hosting provider in this directory, is provides AwardSpace uptime report, if you are seeking for a free reliable web hosting, read this first AwardSpace daily, weekly and average uptime report by the best free hosting review guide website. At this moment AwardSpace is 0% uptime. Anyway If you are a client, please feel free to rate and post your own review.
Hosting Name AwardSpace
Forced Advertising
Ad. Type
Allow Your Advertising
FTP+FTP Web-based
SSL Enabling
MySql database
EMail Support
Online Web Editor
Your URL
Domain or Subdomain
Additional Requirement
Rank [?]
User Rating
Added Date
24 Dec. 2006
Last Update
08 Nov. 2012
AwardSpace weekly uptime statistics report [?].
AwardSpace average uptime is Critical Uptime 0 %
AwardSpace uptime monitoring is updating...
1st. Sun, 23-Mar-2025 Uptime
Critical Uptime 0 %, N/A s. response time.
2nd. Mon, 24-Mar-2025 Uptime
Critical Uptime 0 %, N/A s. response time.
3rd. Tue, 25-Mar-2025 Uptime
Critical Uptime 0 %, N/A s. response time.
4th. Wed, 26-Mar-2025 Uptime
Critical Uptime 0 %, N/A s. response time.
5th. Thu, 27-Mar-2025 Uptime
Critical Uptime 0 %, N/A s. response time.
6th. Fri, 28-Mar-2025 Uptime
Critical Uptime 0 %, N/A s. response time.
7th. Sat, 29-Mar-2025 Uptime
Critical Uptime 0 %, N/A s. response time.
awardspace review

PHP Supported
FTP access
pop email accounts
aliases emails
Instant activation
File Manager
Web-based email
FrontPage Extensions


- 500 KB file size limited.
Blocked function: No allow_url_fopen, fsockopen, pfsockpen, getrusage, get_current_user, set_time_limit, getmyuid, getmypid, dl, leak, listen, chown, chgrp, realpath, link.
Not accepted file types: .htacl, .htaclu, .avi, .mov, .mp2, .mp3, .mpeg, .ram, .asf, .quota, .vbs, .shs, .scr, .exe, .cmd, .torrent, .wmv, .wma, .rm, .zip, .htacl, .htaclu, .avi, .mov, .mp2, .mp3, .mpeg, .ram, .asf, .quota, .vbs, .shs, .scr, .exe, .cmd, .torrent, .wmv, .wma, .rm, .zip .
Free Hosting Rules:
- No unlawful.
- No violate any law, statute, ordinance or regulation;
- No viruses, Trojan horses, worms, time bombs, cancelbots, corrupted files.
- Np Proxy, Pirated or Hacking / Phreaking Software (Warez).
- No adult sites (content).
- No spamming.
- No storage of log files or non-HTML.

News: Currently there is a 25% discount for all of web hosting plans offered by AwardSpace available and exclusive for visitors from only, simply enter the special coupon code "FHF" to the sign up form, then you will redeem the special 25% discount instead of 20% normal discount. Click to Redeem AwardSpace coupon code.

User rates

AwardSpace 9.13 out of 10 based on 223 ratings. 232 user reviews.

AwardSpace user reviews = 232
Average user rating = 9.13 From 223 users.
There are 232 AwardSpace user reviews, viewing page

Comment# 234, By Manoj Roy, IP 116.202.125.X, When 17 Feb., 2014 : Rated= 10
I am using this service past 5 years. Before that i have tried so many other hosting but i found some limitation most of them. Not a single hosting plan suite my requirement.

I found the most flexible cpanel ever on shared hosting plan. Just need for the time.

Support is prompt and effective.

If you are planning for your own script and other latest CMS script. Guys! This will be the best on with zero issue.
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Comment# 233, By Michele Garner, IP 71.75.166.X, When 17 Feb., 2014 : Rated= 10
I enjoy using Award Space as my hosting soulution provider. The cpanel is user friendly. Very few problems and very little down time when issues arise. I have used very costly services in the past and AwardSpace works just as well for all my ecommerce needs. Thank you for providing this service.smile1
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Comment# 232, By Jon, IP 108.64.213.X, When 12 Feb., 2014 : Rated= 10
Great Price,Free.Very fast and great customer service.hi
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Comment# 231, By Lin, IP 115.213.191.X, When 11 Feb., 2014 : Rated= 10
Low price, and good service.
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Comment# 230, By haitian, IP 139.201.155.X, When 11 Feb., 2014 : Rated= 10
goodI have used their free hostng many years,very good. used their free hostng many years,very good.their free hostng many years,very hostng many years,very good.ostng many years,very good.many years,very good.ears,very good.ery good.od.
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+ Write your AwardSpace hosting review.